UI Rendering

You can also dynamically render your app UI with Eia!


  1. Rendering a simple button
// we are going to add button to this layout
let myVA = get("VerticalArrangement1")
// create a new button in myVA named helloBtn
@Button(myVA) helloBtn {
    Text: "Hello, World",
    TextColor: #FFFFFF
    Width: 100,
    BackgroundColor: #000000
  1. Rendering a layout and displaying as a dialog
know android.app.AlertDialog$Builder
know android.view.ViewGroup
let layout = @HorizontalArrangement {
    Width: -1,
    @Button acceptBtn {
        Text: "Accept",
        WidthPercent: 50,
        when.Click: Notifier1.ShowAlert("Thanks for accepting!")
    @Button declineBtn {
        Text: "Decline",
        WidthPercent: 50,
        when.Click: closeApp()
let builder = new Builder(screen)