Basic Syntax

Basic Syntax

// is used to add comments.
Use of semicolons (;) is not required.

If you are calling the Run(code) block from a text block. Make sure there are no comments, since anything in a text block gets inlined.

All Java operators are supported (except a few bitwise operarors).


All of the data types are interoperable with App Inventor. Bool, Int, Char, Float, Double, Any, Nil, List, Dict are the supported types.

An example of few:

    "Hello, World!", // a String
    'A',             // a Char
    true,            // a Bool
    123,             // an Int
    12.3,            // a Float
    3.14D,           // a Double
    makeList("App", "Inventor") // a List
    // a Dict
        "India": "Delhi",
        "USA": "Washington DC"

This outputs the following:

Hello, World!
["App", "Inventor"]
{"India":"Delhi", "USA": "Washington DC"}

Conditional Expressions

let x = 5
let y = 8
if (x > y) {
  print("X is greater")
} else if (x == y) {
  print("Both are equal!")
} else {
  print("Y is greater")

You may use if not just for flow control, but also as an expression:

let x = 5
let y = 8
println(if (x > y) "X is greater" else "Y is greater")

For loop

let places = arrayOf("India", "Japan", "Germany")
for (place in places) {

or the classical way:

let places = arrayOf("India", "Japan", "Germany")
for (var i = 0; i < len(places); i++) {

Until loop

let places = arrayOf("India", "Japan", "Germany")
var index = 0
until (index < len(places)) {
  print("Item at index " + index + " is " + places[index])

Special loop

It's one of the special features offered by Eia!

Iterating backwards from 5 to 1:

each (x: 5 to 1) {

Iteration from 2 to 10 by increment of 2:

each (y: 2 to 10 by 2) {

Type checks and casting

Like Kotlin, the is checks if an expression belongs to a certain type.

let a = "Meow!"
println(a is String)            // true
println("Meow" + 8 is Int)      // false```

To cast values, for example from Any to Int, we use the cast operator :: followed by a type:

// casting from Any to String
let name: Any = "Meow"
let reName: String = name::String


Eia functions are declared using the fun keyword:

fun square(x: Int): Int {
  return x * x

then to call a function:

let squared = square(5)


Parameters are defined in the format name: Type and are seperated using commas:

fun sayMeow(n: Int) {
  print("Meow ".repeat(n))